Wednesday 12 September 2012

My Bundle of Joy "Mindee Kay"

Meaning of Mindee = Sweet As Honey

So it all began when my body started to feel different and I had an inkling that I may be pregnant. A week later I got around to taking a pregnancy test... and what do you know.. it was POSITIVE.

After telling our family and friends the exciting news.. our little fetus who we nicknamed "Minnie" was showered with gifts and flowers!!

It was very exciting getting to see "Minnie" in the scan and finding out we were having a baby GIRL! :)

It took a couple of hours to convince my husband that I actually was pregnant and not joking. When he saw the pregnancy test.. I think it really sunk in that I was not joking! Ha! :D After the initial shock.. HE WAS SOOO EXCITED! Daniel (My Husband) couldn't wait to tell everyone and anyone! lol


I was 5 weeks along when I found out I was pregnant. The next few weeks I felt slightly nauseous, tired and didn't have my regular appetite. Around 12 weeks I was sick a few times after I ate breakfast, besides this.. I felt awesome for the rest of my pregnancy. I was soo lucky that I wasn't stuck in bed or in front of the toilet bowl for the first trimester.

This is when I was 35 weeks pregnant... so ready to meet little miss Minnie

Minnie's first engagement party :) Congrats to Aaron and Molly on their engagement and on the left my amazing Husband and Daddy of our Minnie

At the very end of a long journey...

The pregnancy felt like it lasted forever, but looking back now.. it went unbelievably quick!
Mindee was so spoilt at her baby shower and got lots and lots of presents.

The girls at the baby shower all wrote a note on a little onesies card to Mindee. It is such a great idea.. I will keep these for Min for when she is older and she can read them all :)

Well the due date (17MAR2012) came along but still no sign of Minnie wanting to come into the world... At this point I was sooooo ready for her to come haha.. I tried everything, hot food, walking, sex, pineapple, raspberry leaf tea, squatting... you name it I tried it. But Min was obviously not ready yet... 3 days later (20MAR2012) she decided it was time to met Mum and Dad :)

I will spare you all the details of labour haha.. But I will tell you that my labour started at 6am when my waters broke, active labour started at 8am and at 11:43am my beautiful Mindee Kay Hodge was born :)

Weight - 8.1 lbs
Height - 54cm
Head Circumference - 35cm

Now I have the privilege and joy of this angel in my life everyday! She is such a blessing!

Anna Kate xx

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