Monday 17 September 2012

The best 6 months of my life

I was just starting to come to terms with the fact that I was actually pregnant when I realised Little Miss Mindee was ready to come out. It felt so surreal that I had just grown a baby in my belly and now she was laying in my arms!

Just 2 hours after she was born

Mindee was born at 11:43am and the next day at 9:30am I left the hospital. (I couldn't wait to get out of there!) It was such a weird feeling walking out of the hospital holding my newborn baby. This is when the real fun began... no more help from the midwives and its all up to me now, scary but so exciting at the same time. 

This is her very first car trip

By the time Mindee was 5 weeks old she had been on a road trip, a fishing trip and a camping trip. She is one adventurous baby!

Mindee - 2 weeks old

We began our family road trip to Maitland, NSW which is near Newcastle... this is an 11 hour drive!! She was such a good baby and slept the whole trip waking just for feeds. :)

Mindee - 5 weeks old

Fishing and camping with Daddy is always so much fun :)

At 8 weeks Mindee started sleeping 8 hours a night and by 10 weeks she was sleeping 10 hours every night. I could not have asked for a better sleeping baby! All the giggles started at 12 weeks and have not stopped since then. I love nothing more then hearing my baby girl giggling. It felt like just yesterday I fell pregnant... but time does not slow 3 months she started to roll from her tummy to back.

At 4 months old I started Mindee on solid foods... she was soo ready! I started on rice cereal which she didn't like very much. Adding a bit of pureed fruit did the trick and I couldn't feed her quick enough.

Things can get a little messy with this munchkin haha! Especially when silly Mum doesn't use a bib!

Everything seemed to start happening at once with Mindee and it was all around the 4 month age. She started her solids, started sitting up on her own, started sleeping 7pm till 7am and starting being a lot more active and alert. I love seeing my precious girl grow each and every day!

5 months came around so quickly... My baby is so active and full of smiles. It melts my heart each time I get one of those cheeky smiles. Mindee has mastered her rollie pollies from back to tummy and tummy to back over and over again haha. This princess will have been in my life for 6 months in 3 days time. I have loved and enjoyed every minute of it and it looks as though I will be chasing an active crawling baby around in no time. Mindee has started to balance and rock on all fours and is wriggling forward on her tummy by pushing her feet against the floor. Crawling here we come!

Now that I have you up to date on the life of my "Mindee Kay" I will start posting about my life and all things fun and creative that I get up to :)

Stay tuned for Mindee's crawling debut... I'll leave you with some current photo's of Mindee and few of my fav's.

Sorry about the overload of photos.. I had 6 months to catch up on haha. :)

Anna Kate xx

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