Friday 21 September 2012

Going on a Road Trip

And so it begins again... We are brave enough to take our 6 month old baby girl on a road trip for 10 hours. Last time we went Mindee was 2 weeks old and just slept the whole way. This time I get the feeling things will be a little different haha. This will be interesting....

We are going to Maitland, NSW which is 30 minutes from Newcastle. Daniel lived there for 10 years as a kid and he loves the place... I guess thats why we are going back for a holiday lol. I don't mind too much since we made a deal he would take me shopping in Sydney :). While we are near Sydney I want to visit Palm Beach. This is commonly know as 'Summer Bay' where they film Home and Away! I absolutely love Home and Away haha... It will be great to see where they film everything and if I'm lucky sometimes you can see the actors on set :)

So I have spent the day cleaning the house and packing both mine and Mindee's bags for the week. There is so much more to organise and pack with a baby, but it is definitely worth the extra effort. Finally at 9:30pm everything is packed and in the car ready to set off bright and early in the morning.
Mindee and I are super tired after a busy day and we are both going to sleep well tonight :)

I'll keep you posted on our adventure and share photos as soon as I can. Wish me luck with the long drive.. (I will need it) lol
Anna Kate xx

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