Friday 14 December 2012

25 Books of December

At the end of November I wrapped up 25 of Mindee's books. Once the 1st of December came around, Mindee opened her first ever present. Each night of December leading up to Christmas Mindee chooses a wrapped book from under the tree and opens it. We sit down as a family in front of the Christmas tree and read the book together. It is such a special time of day that we all look forward to :)
Some people do this and read a book about Christmas each night... I don't know about you but I don't have 25 Christmas books. To make it cheap and easy I just wrapped up books I already had but had not read before. I don't think Mindee is too fussy..... on this matter anyway lol.

Mindee gets to practice opening a present every night, so by the time Christmas is here I'm sure she will have no problem opening her 25 Christmas presents :)

I have decided to wrap all of Mindee's presents in the same wrapping paper... DISNEY :) This way she will not get confused between our presents and hers.. lol hopefully she will just stick to opening her presents and no one else's. 

I think this is a great tradition to keep up every year.. We get our reading in and Mindee gets to open a presents each night. This is something fun and special for our whole family :) You should try it! 

Anna Kate xx

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