Wednesday 12 December 2012

My 22nd Birthday

It was my birthday yesterday, the 11th December. I turned 22!! I had my very first birthday with my baby! She made my day that much more special and she didn't even do anything lol.... I just LOOOOVVEEE her.

This is the card I got from my Husband haha! And in the bottom right corner is a picture Mindee drew for me with Daddy's help. I love it!

I can't go without mentioning my amazing Husband.. I promised I would blog about him, so here it is.
The last 4 birthdays with Daniel in my life have been the best of my 22 birthdays. He makes my birthday so special and spoils me rotten like every Husband should!
He makes my day better then I would have planned for myself. For previous birthdays he has taken me kayaking on the Brisbane river, Zorbing (Rolling down a hill in a blow up ball filled with water, SO MUCH FUN!), buffet breakfasts at the Sheraton, overnight stays at the Marriott and Jupiter's Casino, in room professional massages and these are just a few of the things I can remember. And then there are the presents... He goes above and beyond every year. He has always been quite the romantic and knows how to choose the best gifts!
This year he wrapped up a box of fruit loops as my first present... This is my favourite cereal, I can't go a birthday without fruit loops for breakfast haha!

Mindee wants the fruit loops too :) .. But obviously isn't allowed them until she is much older lol

Then I was given my next present, and let me just add that Daniel hates wrapped presents.. He would much rather a present given to him that isn't wrapped.. Weird I know! But he wrapped my presents, it means a lot that he took the time to wrap them for me because he knows I loved opening presents! :)

Before I opened it :)


He got me an iPad!! YAY! I knew before my birthday that Daniel had asked some family and friends to put some money towards a present for me. When I opened the iPad I assumed this was the presents that people had put money in to get me... But I was wrong!! Daniel gave me another presents and said this is the one from family and friends...



OMG! I got a brand new MacBook Air!!! And this is what I am using to blog from right now :) It was just what I needed. My old Macbook was starting to die on me.. being 5 years old it did me well but I was ready for an upgrade :) I was definitely spoilt this birthday... iPad and Macbook. I am all Hi-Tech now with everything synced between my iPhone, Ipad and MacBook haha. 

Thank you to my Dad, my beautiful sister Rachel and her boyfriend Daniel, my wonderful friends Luke and Bekki and my entire 'In-law' family who gave money to get me my new MacBook, I LOVE IT! :)

On top of all of this my Mum and Step Dad always spoil me rotten too! I always look forward to see what I get from them for my birthday.. and this year they got me a sewing machine!!

Thank you so much to my Mum and Bruce! I absolutely love this present. 

I have already tested my sewing skills and made 2 skirts. Watch this space for more details on my first sewing projects :)

I had a wonderful 22nd birthday, spending the afternoon at South Bank and going out for dinner with my yummy little family :)

Mindee is so active now! She had a blast on the playground at South Bank. Crawling around everywhere and pulling herself up on everything.. She is absolutely adorable. 

So thank you so much to my incredibly scrumptious Husband who gave me the best birthday yet again. I love you more then words can describe. 

Anna Kate xx

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