Sunday 9 December 2012

Christmas Traditions

Since my first christmas as a married women I convinced Daniel to do 25 presents each for Christmas! 1 for every day of December until Christmas...except we open them all on Christmas Day! I love opening lots of presents (25 to be exact) and I also love watching Daniel open his 25 presents. Don't think we spend thousands of dollars on Christmas presents.. because some of the presents are small things like undies, socks, and chocolates/lollies. Although we do get a bit carried away and spend more then we probably should... haha.. Oh well, you only get to do it once a year!

This year I am super excited because Mindee gets to open her 25 presents too! I think it is a great tradition for our family to have. I can't wait until I have a tribe of 10 kids  kids opening their 25 presents on Christmas Morning.

It was soo easy to find Mindees 25 presents.. there is soo much out there that you can buy for little girls.  Keep and eye out for a later post on a list of presents that I got Daniel and Mindee.

Another tradition that we do as a family is open 1 presents on Christmas Eve. We just can't wait until the morning and we have 25 presents.. so thought we could spare 1 for Christmas Eve. It also gets us even more excited for Christmas Morning.

Christmas Morning with Daniel my sister Sheree. Look at the pile of rubbish and wrapping paper on the couch!

Anna Kate xx

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